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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Redbud pickles, young bamboo shoots with seaweeds, and omelette with swiss chard and sweet mini peppers

Here are some nature-inspired, spontaneous, and delicious green witch projects that took place in Danville, KY, this early spring. They were made possible by Virginia, her family and friends. Thank you all.
Redbud pickles (Photo by bodhilens)
Virginia let me pick blossoms on her old and gorgeous redbud trees in her yard. I just rinsed the blossoms with water, air-dry them, and pickled them in apple cider vinegar and a table spoonful of raw honey for a couple of hours. We poured a few spoonfuls from the jar over mixed commercial and wild greens (lettuce, carrots, tomatoes, and chickweed) and sprinkled a little salt and pepper. The salad was so tasty and refreshing that I ate two bowlfuls. 
Young bamboo shoots with "wakame" seaweeds (Photo by bodhilens)
Virginia's friend Fox let us dig a bagful of young bamboo shoots on her farm. Bodhilens planted a few shoots in our yard, and I cooked this traditional Japanese dish with the rest. It was such a rare treat that I had not eaten for ages. My mother was proud of me for making it from scratch. It is a lot of work peeling and boiling the finger-size cores of the bamboo shoots, but it is worth the effort for this seasonal delicacy.
Ginger-flavored omelette with swiss chard and sweet mini peppers (Photo by bodhilens)
Virginia's daughter Margaret shared with us very fresh farm eggs laid by her "girls" in her yard. I stir-fried swiss chard from Fox's garden and sweet mini peppers from Kroger with grated ginger in extra virgin canola oil, beat the eggs and poured in the pan, and seasoned the omelette with salt and pepper.

Oh, I forgot to mention that the chickweed in the salad also came from Margaret's yard. I gave the girls a bunch of chickweed in return for their eggs, and they went crazy over it and seemed to really love it. The common name of the plant totally made sense to me. Chickweed is ranked #3 on Top 10 Edible Plants in Your Yard and is actually very nutritious and healing to both humans and animals. Next time you think about weeding chickweed, think about tossing it in salad, soup, and feed.