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Friday, March 23, 2012

Recycling stale bread heals and baguettes

I always keep a bag of stale bread heals and leftover baguettes in my freezer, which becomes handy when I want some bread crumbs for a dish or rusks for a snack. I usually thaw some frozen bread in a microwave (and make sure it is dry), chop it into bite-size pieces, and run them in a food processor. Homemade bread crumbs retain unique flavors from whatever bread they were made of and tend to be crunchier and not so absorbent than store-bought bread crumbs, especially if they are made of heals or baguettes.


3-4 heels of bread or 10-12 slices of a small baguette (naturally stale or dried in a microwave)
2 TBSP of coconut oil and/or butter (melted)
1 TBSP of honey or sucanat
A pinch of stevia
1 TBSP of ginger (grated)


1. Cut bread into bites or slices.
2. Mix all the seasonings.
3. Coat the bread with the mixed seasonings well. (I use my hands.)
4. Place the seasoned bread pieces or slices on parchment paper and bake at 360F until they are golden-brown (about 20 minutes).